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It's finally time for Dinner and Testimony Night!! 

At 6 PM we will begin dinner - Lasagna and Garlic Bread (Gluten Free options available)

Once everyone is mostly done with food, around 7 PM, we will begin the Testimony portion of the evening. 

We have a handful of people signed up to share their testimony so we will begin with those. Then we will open the floor to whoever would like to share! This can be as long and as short as you'd like! Share what Jesus means to you, share what He's walked you through, or your conversion story.. how Jesus changed your life!! 

Keep in mind there may be sensitive topics brought up, some topics might not be suitable for children. If you have a child that would like to share, please contact Marissa Watkins. We will have volunteers posted in the front and back if you need a moment of prayer or to talk! 

We can't wait to see how God has and is working through your life!! 

If you would like to attend or share please sign up with Marissa Watkins 724-531-7973